Scanning: The dentist takes a digital scan of the tooth using a special camera or scanner. A 3D digital model of the tooth is created.

Design: Using computer-aided design (CAD) software, the dentist designs the restoration for the tooth. The restoration is shaped to fit the patient's tooth structure for an aesthetically pleasing result.

Milling: The designed restoration is cut from a ceramic block by a milling unit. This step uses a computer-controlled milling process. The restoration is cut and shaped to fit the patient's oral structure.

Application: After milling, the dentist places the restoration on the patient's tooth. Special adhesives are used to bond the restoration to the tooth and ensure it fits.

This process is usually completed in a single session for a single tooth restoration. It is faster than traditional methods because the design and manufacturing process is accelerated by the use of digital technology. In addition, iSirona CEREC restorations are designed to match the natural colour and shape of the tooth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing restoration.

However, every dental case is different and some complex cases may require more sessions. Your dentist will recommend the most suitable option for you based on your condition and treatment plan.

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