Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery refers to medical procedures that treat congenital and acquired diseases, as well as traumatic, infectious and pathological problems of the soft (palate, tongue, lips, muscles, etc.) and hard (teeth, bones, etc.) tissues of the mouth, jaw and face,  

(cheek, palate, tongue, lips, muscles, etc.) and hard (teeth, bones, etc.) tissues of the mouth, jaw and face, solving aesthetic, phonetic and functional problems.

The discipline of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery includes not only the treatment of cystic and tumour pathologies, but also the treatment of jaw fractures and the extraction of impacted teeth or corrective procedures to assist in the fabrication of dentures.

What does oral and maxillofacial surgery cover?

- Extraction of impacted, complicated and erupted teeth

- Treatment of cysts and tumours

- Monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of jaw and facial pain

- Diagnosis and treatment of salivary gland disorders

- Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mouth

- Diagnosis and treatment of maxillary and paranasal sinus pathologies and diseases of the jaw and teeth

- Treatment of cleft lip and palate

- Surgical and medical treatment of the temporomandibular joint

- Diagnosis and treatment of bony lesions related to the teeth

- Dental implant applications

In the Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, patients are diagnosed through clinical and radiological examinations. Depending on the diagnosis, drugs and surgical procedures are used for treatment. In the case of diseases related to oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery, a three-dimensional bone model of the patient is made during diagnosis using X-ray and tomography. This process, carried out using high-tech equipment specifically designed for the mouth, teeth and jaws, leaves no room for error or mistakes.

Diagnoses are made with the help of technological equipment and plans are discussed with the relevant departments within the hospital, initiating a disciplined and meticulous study. These surgical procedures are carried out under local or general anaesthetic. Local anaesthesia only numbs the area, while general anaesthesia induces unconsciousness. If major surgery is to be performed on the mouth, teeth or jaws, the patient may be admitted to hospital for observation. Surgery for oral, dental and maxillofacial conditions is performed with great care and attention.

Before the operation, the patient is asked about certain illnesses, concerns, etc., and the operation on the mouth, teeth or jaw is started accordingly. Because we work with experts in their field, the patient will feel secure at every moment from the moment of admission. All information is shared with the patient at the beginning, middle and end of the procedure. If you want to put yourself in the hands of experts in oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery, you can visit our clinic.

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