Free Dental Tomography

Free Dental Tomography



Free Dental Tomography

With the advancement of implantology, the importance of three-dimensional imaging in dentistry has increased.

At Dental Turkey we have 3D imaging, dental tomography, within our facilities. To ensure more accurate and error-free treatments for our patients, we routinely use 3D dental tomography in our implant procedures.

Here are the advantages of 3D dental tomography:

1. Provides accurate information about the anatomical structures in the jawbone.
2. Allows us to perform precise implant planning.
3. Helps us determine the appropriate treatment plan prior to surgery.
4. Allows us to select the correct diameter and length of the implant.
5. Assists in accurate prosthesis planning.

At Dental Turkey we strive to use technology in the best possible way to find the most appropriate treatment for all our patients. We aim to provide the fastest and highest quality care.

All these aspects, together with the necessary operating room conditions, lead to a safer and longer lasting start to treatment.

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