Dental Implants

How long does it take to get a dental implant?

The duration of a dental implant procedure can vary depending on several factors. On average, the process takes several months.

The first stage involves a consultation with a dentist or oral surgeon to assess the patient's oral health, discuss treatment options and create a personalised treatment plan.

The surgical placement of the dental implant itself usually takes about 1 to 2 hours per implant. This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic to ensure the patient's comfort.

Once the implant is in place, a period of healing called osseointegration is required. This is when the implant fuses with the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for the replacement tooth. Osseointegration typically takes about 3 to 6 months, although the exact length can vary depending on factors such as the patient's overall health and bone quality.

Once osseointegration is complete, an abutment (connector) is attached to the implant. This usually requires a minor surgical procedure and takes about 2 to 4 weeks for the gums around the abutment to heal.

Finally, the crown or prosthesis is made to measure and attached to the abutment. The crown may take a few weeks to make in a dental laboratory, depending on the materials used and the capabilities of the dental practice.

Overall, the whole process of getting a dental implant can take several months to ensure the successful integration of the implant and the creation of a natural-looking tooth replacement.

Dental Implant

Why should I have an implant?
The aim of dentistry is to prevent tooth decay and restore missing teeth to provide patients with normal facial appearance, chewing function, aesthetics and speech. Missing teeth can cause various health problems. Without teeth, people cannot chew their food properly, which can lead to digestive disorders. Over time, such disorders can lead to serious problems for the individual. For whatever reason, such as accidents, tooth decay, receding gums, etc., the absence of teeth can cause problems in terms of aesthetics, function and more. Each of our teeth has a specific function. Each tooth is important both aesthetically and functionally. Imagine losing one of your front teeth. This situation can cause significant social and aesthetic loss. Similarly, if we lose one or more of the teeth that allow us to chew, our digestive system may develop problems over time. Ultimately, the loss of our teeth causes both social and health problems.

How do we replace missing teeth?
There are several ways to replace missing teeth, including bridges and implants. If several teeth are missing, removable or full dentures can be made. Dental implants are more durable and offer a more natural look than many other types of dentures and bridges. Dental implants provide similar function and aesthetics to our natural teeth, and they serve us for a longer period of time in our mouths. Dentists often recommend dental implants as the first treatment option for their patients if there are no factors that would prevent implantation, such as systemic diseases.

When is implantation appropriate?
There are certain conditions that must be met by the individual and the jaw in order for dental implants to be used. There is no rule that says that dental implants can be used for every missing tooth. Three-dimensional tomography and dental implant software facilitate the diagnosis of dental implants and increase the success of the implant. Before dental implant surgery, all the details are checked using 3D tomography to ensure that your treatment is carried out correctly by our expert dentists. Our clinic benefits from Cirona CAD/CAM and Sirona tomography to provide you with the best possible dental implants.

Who cannot have an implant?
Implantation can be performed on people over the age of 18.

Implantation should not be performed on anyone under the age of 18.

Uncontrolled diabetes, with HbA1c levels not exceeding 6.5 as determined by blood tests.

Uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, liver or kidney failure.

Blood disorders (haemophilia, leukaemia, etc.).

Treatment with bisphosphonates, chemotherapy or radiotherapy of the jawbone, disorders of the immune system.

Implants are not suitable during pregnancy.

Implants are not performed on people under the age of 18 who have not completed their bone development.

How long should I wait after having an implant?
The average waiting period after dental implantation is three months. Some brands of implants have shorter waiting times. Special implants are available for diabetics and people who have undergone chemotherapy, which can reduce the waiting time to as little as 45 days. In some cases it may be necessary to expand the bone before an implant can be placed. In these cases it is necessary to wait until the pre-treatment has been completed before getting an implant.

What can be done if there is insufficient bone?
Implants with diameters as small as 3mm and implant sizes as large as 4mm are available. In cases where there is insufficient bone, we can make the bone suitable for implantation through advanced surgical procedures such as artificial or autogenous grafting. This is how we prepare the bone for implantation. How is the implant placed in the mouth? Implantation is carried out using surgical methods and rules. The dentist must be experienced in implantation. The experience of the dentist influences the success of the implant. The planning the dentist does for the implant determines how, at what angle and with what technique the implant is placed in the mouth. Different methods are used to place the implant into the bone. Patients do not feel any pain during implantation as a small local anaesthetic is used to ensure that the implant procedure is painless.

Is it expensive to get an implant?
Dental implant prices vary depending on the brand. These price differences can be compared to car models. Just like cars, if you are sure of the brand and model quality, they are more expensive and more in demand, and the priority is that they work without problems for a long time. Although there are many implant brands and companies, the more developed and widespread implant brands with a longer history are more expensive than others. The prices of implant procedures are set by the Turkish Dental Association (TDB).

Why should I get an implant at Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlı Merkezi (Private Dental and Oral Health Centre)?
There are many reasons to get implant treatment at Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi, which is managed by Dr M. İhsan Gürsoy, a dentist who has been working in this region for 30 years.

1- Dental Surgery

All surgical and implant treatments are performed in the fully sterile dental operating room of Özel Yenidiş Adsm, the first Type A Oral and Dental Health Centre established in Sancaktepe. The environment of an operating theatre is different from that of a normal clinic. In regular clinic environments, the breath of a patient who was treated before you may still be present. Even though the accessible environments may be clean, there are invisible microorganisms suspended in the air. These microorganisms do not form in the operating theatre environment because the operating theatre is constantly cleaned with fresh air through hygienic air conditioning and air circulation. Airborne viruses and micro-organisms such as COVID-19 cannot be present or survive in the environment.

2- Tomography

Accurate planning is essential before dental implant surgery begins. To do this, dentists rely on x-rays. Panoramic X-rays provide two-dimensional images and do not give accurate information about the width of the bone. It is risky to start implant surgery based on panoramic radiographs alone. The most accurate way to determine the bone and place the implant correctly is to use dental tomography. With virtual software, the most accurate planning is done and the necessary and correct implants are placed in the patient. Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi is the only centre in Sancaktepe with dental tomography. By offering the use of dental tomography, which has become a standard procedure for dental implant treatment, the centre aims to provide patients with a 99% diagnostic accuracy rate.

3- Price advantage of implantation

Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlı Merkezi offers significant price advantages to its patients due to the existing operating room and the years of experience of the centre.

4- Experience of Dentists

Implant procedures are more successful when performed by dentists who specialise in implants and have advanced manual skills and experience. Dental implants are an integral part of the superstructure. Even if the implant surgery is done well, if there is not enough experience and knowledge in the superstructure, the treatment process will fail if the prosthetic teeth fail. At Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlı Merkezi, dental restorations are made with excellent aesthetic and tissue compatibility by experienced dentists and skilled dental technicians.

5- Implant guarantee

Your teeth and implants are under our guarantee and close follow-up. All follow-ups and the materials and equipment used during the patient's treatment are manufactured to last the longest in the mouth and are presented to the patient's use and satisfaction.

6- Digital dentistry, CAD/CAM systems, surgical guides

To increase the success of dental implants, good planning and experienced dentists are essential. Nowadays it is necessary to take advantage of three-dimensional printers and three-dimensional design tools. We use Sirona CAD/CAM systems for this purpose. With these systems, the final prosthetic modelling of the teeth is done and the most suitable implant positions are determined using tomography. Surgical guides are prepared using CAD/CAM systems and implant surgery is performed in the most ideal way.

7- Confidence and professional experience

The trust and success that Dr. İhsan Gürsoy, one of the most experienced dentists in Sancaktepe, and his patients have built up over the years are the most important factors for patients to choose Özel Yenidiş Ağız ve Diş Sağlı Merkezi. The principle of health and humanity is the first article of the service concept of the centre. The success of all treatments based on this principle has been achieved through trust and dedication.

In which environment should implant surgery be performed?

Implants should be placed in a completely sterile environment, such as an operating theatre.

Operating theatres are made of materials that do not harbour microbes.

Operating theatres have air filtration systems. The air in operating theatres is constantly cleaned by hygienic air conditioning and air circulation.

Operating theatres provide a comfortable working environment for dentists.

Operating theatres have excellent lighting.

Sterile rooms and beds are available for post-operative recovery.

Continuous air filtration keeps the air in the operating theatre sterile and clean.

Operating theatres do not contain airborne viruses such as COVID-19 because they are constantly filtered and cleaned.

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