


Why should I have an implant?
The goal of dentistry is to prevent tooth decay, replace missing teeth to restore normal facial shape, chewing, aesthetics and speech of patients. Missing teeth can cause many health problems. Without teeth, people cannot chew their food properly, and digestive disorders can occur if food is not chewed properly. These types of disorders can cause serious problems for individuals in the long run. Missing teeth due to any reason, accident, extraction of decayed teeth etc. cause us problems like aesthetics and function. Each of our teeth has its own function. Each of our teeth is important both aesthetically and functionally. Imagine for a moment that you have lost one of your front teeth. We know that if we lose one or more of our chewing teeth, we may experience problems with our digestive system over time. In conclusion, the loss of our teeth causes both social and health problems.

How can we replace our missing teeth?
There are several ways to replace missing teeth. One is bridges and the other is implants. If you have more than one missing tooth, you can have a removable or full denture. Dental implants last longer and are closer to natural teeth than many dentures and bridges. Dental implants provide function and aesthetics close to your own teeth, they are more durable, and they last longer in your mouth. Dentists generally recommend dental implants as the first treatment for their patients if there are no systemic diseases that prevent them from having implants.

In which situations is implantation suitable?
The person and the jaw to be treated must meet certain conditions for dental implants to be used. There is no rule that a dental implant is made for every missing tooth. 3D tomography, which is necessary for the diagnosis of dental implants, and dental implant software facilitate the doctor's diagnosis and increase the success of the dental implant. All details are checked by 3D tomography before the dental implant surgery and your correct treatment is carried out by our specialist doctors. We use cirona cad cam and sirona tomographs in our clinic in order to place your dental implant in the best possible way.

Who should not have an implant?
Implants can be placed in people over the age of 18.

It is wrong to place implants in people under the age of 18.

Uncontrolled diabetes, the HbA1c value in the blood test should not be higher than 6.5.

Uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, liver or kidney failure,

Blood disorders (haemophilia, leukaemia, etc.),

Those receiving bisphosphonate drug treatment, those undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy to the jawbone, immune system disorder,

Implants should not be used during pregnancy.

Implants are not placed in people under the age of 18 who have not completed their bone development.

How long should I wait after having an implant?
The average waiting period for dental implants is three months. Some brands of implants have shorter waiting times. There are special implants for diabetics and people who have undergone chemotherapy. With these implants, the waiting period is reduced to 45 days. In some cases, the bone needs to be expanded to get an implant, in which case you will have to wait until the pre-treatment is complete to get an implant.

What can be done if there is not enough bone?
There are implant sizes up to 3mm in diameter and 4mm in small implant sizes, apart from that, in cases where the bone is insufficient, an advanced surgical procedure with artificial or autogenous grafting is used to make the bone suitable for the implant. This is how we make it suitable for implantation. How is the implant placed in the mouth? The implant is placed using surgical methods and rules. The dentist must be experienced to place the implant. The dentist's experience influences the success of the implant. The planning that the doctor makes for the implant plan is important in determining how the implant will be placed in the mouth, and what angle and technique will be used. Different methods are used to place the implant into the bone. Patients do not feel any pain when the implant is placed, and a small local anaesthetic can be used to make the implant procedure painless.

Is it expensive to get an implant?
Prices vary depending on the brand of dental implant. These price differences can be compared to car models. Cars of a make and model whose quality you are sure of are more expensive and more in demand, because they work without problems for a long time. Despite the large number of brands and companies in the implant field, those that have developed, spread and have a longer history are more expensive than others. The prices of implants are set by the TDB.

Why should I get an implant at Yenidiş Private Dental and Oral Health Centre?
There are many reasons to have one of the most important treatments in dentistry, the implant treatment, done at the Private New Tooth Oral and Dental Health Centre managed by the dentist M.i


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